Friday 4 September 2015


Success is getting what you want while happiness is wanting what you get.

Never Say Never

Everyone of use is SPECIAL, you can bring out the special thing in you today. In this video, our brother Nick Vujicic teaches us that as long as we are prepared to achieve something, we would achieve it.

Thursday 3 September 2015

Inspirational Education Video:

 How can students change the world?
This is an inspirational video to get students thinking about what they can change about the world, and the impact they can make.  View the inspirational video...

The True Wisdom

The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing and this would make you want to always learn from people. Remember, No one is an island of knowledge.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Do schools kill creativity? By Sir Ken Robinson

Sir Ken Robinson inspired millions of teachers to wake up to the factory system and creativity killing methods of our current education system.
Watch and download the video from the link below:

Posts Video

This video contains almost all the posts on this blog since it has started but I am very sorry for not having any sound track in it. You can send me some nice sound tracks to add to the subsequent videos.
Please comment on the outlook in order to have a better video next time.